You’ve probably heard a lot from me and others in my field about how SEO can help businesses.
But the truth is, we can’t help everybody. Not every business is going to benefit equally from SEO.
And of course, being the anxious overachievers that we naturally are, we really want to help the ones we can help the most.
Here’s when I would recommend NOT to invest in SEO:
• You don’t want or need to grow your business.
• People tend not to search in Google to find your products or services.
• You don’t have a tried-and-tested sales closing process.
• Your business would be completely overwhelmed if the number of clients coming into your business suddenly increased.
• You can’t afford someone to implement their services for you, or you aren’t yet ready to invest in your website to develop an ongoing SEO strategy.
And these are all completely legitimate way to run a business. Not every business has to grow every month; there’s no shame in running a stable, reliable business and wanting it to stay that way. Hats off to you!
However, on the flip side of this of course is when is it a good idea to consider investing in SEO?
• When you know people are already looking for the services you provide, but they just aren’t finding your website.
• You have an effective, repeatable sales closing process.
• You rely on a specific geographical area for your clients to find you.
• You're prepared to develop your website to continue to generate new leads.
• You’re positioned to scale.
• You’re ambitious and you want to grow.
• You view SEO as essential to the growth of your business.
• You’re financially ready to invest in SEO.
Tip of the week:
Consider whether or not SEO is a good potential client acquisition channel for your business right now.
If it isn’t: yay! In business, so often, less = more. Being decisive about what channels to pursue at any given time is super important. By deciding not to pursue SEO, now you can double-down on other channels.
And of course, you can always reconsider your approach further down the road.
If it is: I would love to help you. This is how:
1. If you’re ready to make SEO a key channel for your business and expect high impact results, you can schedule a call with me here
2. If you aren’t ready to invest in SEO on an ongoing basis, but you still need some help, you can book a strategy session with me for 1 hour. We’ll troubleshoot your website’s SEO in 60 minutes – Schedule a call here

My name's Claire and I’m an SEO and content strategy expert. I help startups and ambitious businesses improve their content, so that customers can find your website in search, and so that when they do, they convert.
I’m a former startup CEO, and I’ve worked for some of the world’s biggest publishers (Penguin Random House, Oxford University Press), as well as training with Google's in-house SEO team. I even built a website to attract 45k in organic search visitors/month. Drop me a line if you need help of any kind with SEO and content.
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